In the VRRP master backup synchronization group, the host cannot synchronize and configure to the st
We encountered a problem In the VRRP master backup synchronization group, the host cannot synchronize and configure to the standby running configuration. There is a synchronization configuration in the standby startup config. After executing the synchronization operation command on the host, the prompt is as follows…
Hello! I´m configuring GSLB with a challenge which is to answer the queries for example.com as A record. example.com -> x.x.x.x The thing is that when we configured GSLB we have to add the domain in the zone and then configure the services for example www.example.com Does someone know how can I do this?
Error with Partitions using ansible: 1023721472 Access Denied
Hi! We're moving to orchestrate our TH1040S using ansible. This started to work out very nicely! But now we're hitting an "Access Denied" when trying to handle partitions. Here are some details ACOS 4.1.4 a10.acos_axapi either 1.2.latest or 6.0.1 My user is in two partitions, but not the "shared" partition Here's an…
Disable TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.1
Dear, I need your help... I need to disable TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.1 from the SSL Template, I do it and do a scan and the deprecated TLS still appears.
The number of sessions shows the problem
When looking at the number of sessions, it appears: The number of printed-out sessions reaches the maximum, 10000, does not show the number of sessions, how to solve this problem?Thanks
Stop Processing of Subsequent aFleX Rules
Does anyone know if it's possible to have an aFleX rule that stops processing of subsequent aFleX rules that are attached to a virtual server? For instance, say I create an aFleX rule named "DontAllowIfBadIP" that has a conditional for detecting if the IP address should be allowed to connect. Then I have a second aFleX…
Certification study material - Application Delivery Control 4
Hi everyone, I would like to ask for help on where I can find study material for the certification Application Delivery Control? I'm studying with the manuals and I have access to the load balancer at work but many subjects I can't find anything in the manuals (HTTP Header rewriting, HTTP compression, Built-in DDoS…
Vthunder - Vmware failover vThunder to standby
Need to failover A10 to standby node so we can do some maintenance. I don't want to vmotion the vthunder VM's as it triggers a failover and we don't want our site access to go down. How can I do a failover in the GUI? seems like this should be fairly simple but when on active vmaster changing vrid blade parameter to a…
Url Redirect without url change
We are trying to write a script that redirects a user when they enter a url, but keeps the url the same. We have the url - https://bla.company.com When a user enters this url we want to redirect them to - https://otherserver/site but we want to keep the url as https://bla.company.com I can get this working so that it'll…
Simple URL Change
Posted by danguijun Good day Folks, I am looking for a way to change all requests that will arrive at Virtual Server 'VIP_Example' to add/ change the whole URL. I believe we could do the trick sing simple aFlex, but i need assistance on this field. There are two case studies for this change: For example: Case Study#1 - add…
URL redirection-rewrite using part of the URI
Hello, I been working on an aflex to do redirection of a web site. Here's what I' trying to achieve: Src host: mySRCsite.com Src path: /services/?app=test&annee=2022 Dst host: myDSTsite.com Dst path: /test/app1/USER=toi&LANGUE=FM&AN_ATTRB=2022 Redirection works, problem is that is hard coded at this time. What I want is…
HTTP Origin header not matching the base_url.
Wedsite owner getting below error related to revrse proxy header below is te aFLEX rule which we had added on on A10, do we required any addition rules to this work ?? X-Forward ?? ======================================== when HTTP_REQUEST { set URI [string tolower [HTTP::uri]] switch -glob $URI { default { HTTP::header…
TKC - ServiceGroup for non-HTTP
I'm attempting to build a VirtualServer, Ports, and ServiceGroups on an ADC using the TKC connector. Are non-HTTP ports supported? Also, if the k8s Service has more than 1 port, will it detect all and build it? At present its only picking up the Telemetry port of the container. Any examples of a ClusterIP service that is…
SSL Passthrough
Hi Friends, How to configure ssl passthrough on a10 vthunder? what are the configuration required to do
Secure Renegotiation IS NOT supported
Hi falks, May I know if a10 is supported for secure renegotiation and how to enable it?
Chain cert remove
how to remove chain cert form model TH53330 ?
Hi Team,
May I know mtls support by a10 thunder adc?
Redirect IP Public
Hello, I need your guide for a query I have. I want to perform a redirect to block access to a public IP that I have in the balancer + URI, but I can't create aFlex. Can this be done?
Vthunder in VMware
Hello Team I currently have 3 VThunder computers, mounted on the VMWARE hypervisor, I currently have three Network adapters in VMware and they are assigned like this: Adapter 1 => Int management Adapter 2 => Int Ethernet 1 Adapter 3 => Int Ethernet 2 Now I need to add a third Ethernet 3 on the A10, but I add Adapter 4 and…
Question - GSLB Initial Configuration
Hello all, I’m just a bit confused when it comes to configuring my new A10 vThunder ADC/SLB with GSLB. I have been attempting to configure it per A10’s documentation, Would someone be willing to explain it a bit more for how its done in the GUI? I have 4 vThunders (2 per data center) and so far has 1 partition not…
A10 vThunder ADC/SLB - Redirection based on URL
Hello, I will try to do more research to see if this was already covered in another post, but so far haven't been able to find exactly what I'm looking for. Is it possible to do a redirect based on which URL the end user goes to for whats described below? Or is this completely wrong and I should be looking for an…
IP Flotante
Hola Equipo Actualmente tengo 4 equipos configurados en HA, cada uno tiene una dirección ip de gestión como debe ser, adicional tengo configurada una IP Flotante, que a pesar de estar configurada no abre la interfaz GUI ni CLI.
Gracefully down
How to make a virtual server / server down gracefully ?
Reserving an ADC Virtual Machine with VMware tools
Hi!Is it possible to reserve a virtual machine using VMware, then if something happens to the deployment host, the machine moves to another one. Yes, there will be a break, but then it will start on another host. Are there any restrictions on this?
GitHub Documentation
Is anyone aware of a location where the documentation for the GitHub acos-client can be found? There is an example to create a SLB but that is it. I am looking for documentation to leverage the scripts to build a one-time base configuration on the Thunder from scratch: ie: Hostname, LLDP, NTP, time zone, sync/mirror port,…
A10 Cookie Header Setting
The A10 is currently writing a "Secure" attribute on some outgoing cookies because HTTPS traffic terminates at the A10 and the applications cannot add this attribute on HTTP traffic. However, it appears that instead of adding it to an existing cookie, we are seeing the header Set-Cookie being sent twice - the first time…
Healthmonitor from F5 to A10
Hi Everyone, we are migrating F5 to A10 in this process we would like to test Health monitors in A10 for samw which already working in F5, but unfortunately it is no working on A10 with same as below URL type - HEAD Send string - / HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n Expected string - Server\: did anyone faces similer issues is there any…
[T&C] Deploy DNS recursive resolver using Thunder CFW
In this article, we will see you can deploy DNS recursive resolver using Thunder CFW. Setup This is what we want to achieve: By default, the Thunder device should resolve queries starting from the root servers. However, for the domain names ending in a10networks.com, it should use the response from a DNS service-group that…
REST APIs tester
Does Thunder provide URLs for calling REST APIs such as Swagger from the browser?
F5 ip-forward virtual server migration to a10
Hi guys I'm asking for your help to clarify the use of the ip-forward option on F5 devices for virtual-servers, for me looks simple, but I didn't use it before in our a10 devices This is an example of the current configuration on F5 that I need to migrate: } ltm virtual DNS_Telefonica_171 { description "Forwarding DNS…