We are replacing the F5 load balancer. Could you please let me know how to implement this iRule using aflex or other methods? he client request SSL packet header does not contain SNI, and it needs to be extracted from the Host field of the HTTP packet header. F5 irules: when HTTP_REQUEST {set sni_value [getfield…
Hola Compañeros de A10, actualmente tengo un incidente de configuración, espero alguien me puede colaborar o halla pasado por la misma situación y su respectiva solucion. TLS 1.2 se puedo habilitar sin problema, al momento de habilitar TLS 1.3 me está dando el siguiente error: La versión actual de mi ACOS es la 5.2.1-p5
DNS over HTTPS (DoH) is a protocol for securing DNS communication by sending DNS queries and getting DNS responses over HTTPS. For details, refer to RFC 8484 (https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8484). This article shows you can deploy DNS over HTTPS (DoH) with automatic certificate enrollment and renewal from Let's Encrypt CA…
DNS over HTTPS (DoH) is a protocol for securing DNS communication by sending DNS queries and getting DNS responses over HTTPS. In DoH, each DNS query-response pair is mapped into an HTTP exchange. For details, refer to RFC 8484 (https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8484). Thunder CFW enables you to provide DoH service to…
Anyone out there have any experience configuring DUO Dag HA environment behind A10 Thunders? I have some questions regarding the SSL client/server certs, SSL offload, and the health monitors.
Hi all, I have a problem with aflex configured on a VIP with a SNI template applied. On the VIP I have exposed application for domain1 (the default certificate in the SSL template) and 2 services for domain2. SNI template i sworking fine but now I need to add on the VIP an aflex like this: #Rewrite if {[HTTP::host] matches…