[T&C] DNS over HTTPS (DoH) with certificate from Let's Encrypt

siddharthaasiddharthaa Member
edited August 2023 in Tips

DNS over HTTPS (DoH) is a protocol for securing DNS communication by sending DNS queries and getting DNS responses over HTTPS. For details, refer to RFC 8484 (https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8484).

This article shows you can deploy DNS over HTTPS (DoH) with automatic certificate enrollment and renewal from Let's Encrypt CA using ACME protocol.

Note: In this article, we obtain the certificate from Let's Encrypt CA using ACME protocol, however, Thunder device also supports getting the certificate from other well-known CAs, such as Sectigo, using EAB credentials.


Logically, the setup looks as follows:

The client browser will be configured with the DoH URI https://doh.a10tests.com/dns-query, and the domain name doh.a10tests.com will resolve to the VIP address on the Thunder device.


Provision a domain name and create a DNS A record for the URI that will be used by the client browser for DoH.

In this example, it is doh.a10tests.com.

Initial configuration of Thunder device

Here we have a Thunder CFW running ACOS 5.2.1-p5.

The current Thunder device configuration is as follows:

ip dns primary
ip dns secondary
timezone America/Los_Angeles
ntp server time.google.com
glm use-mgmt-port
glm enable-requests
glm allocate-bandwidth 1000
interface management
 ip address dhcp
interface ethernet 1
 ip address
ip route /0
sflow setting local-collection
sflow collector ip 6343
cloud-services meta-data
 provider openstack

Verify the Thunder device has internet access via the data interface (e.g. ethernet 1), and not just the management interface. This is because when we start the ACME certificate enrollment progress, the Thunder device will attempt to access the Let's Encrypt server using the data interface:

vThunder# ping www.google.com
PING www.google.com ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from lax17s49-in-f4.1e100.net ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=59 time=23.6 ms
64 bytes from lax17s49-in-f4.1e100.net ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=59 time=18.0 ms
64 bytes from lax17s49-in-f4.1e100.net ( icmp_seq=3 ttl=59 time=17.0 ms

Thunder device configuration

Configure ACME profile and SLB VIP

Configure an ACME certificate profile and virtual server with vport 80 on the Thunder device:

pki acme-cert doh-le
 domain doh.a10tests.com
 san-domain doh.a10tests.com
 log-level 2
 cert-type rsa
 account-email <email-id>
slb server apache
 port 80 tcp
slb service-group SG-HTTP tcp
 member apache 80
slb virtual-server VIP1 use-if-ip ethernet 1
  port 80 http
    source-nat auto
    service-group SG-HTTP

Under vport 80, we configure the command "reply-acme-challenge" to respond to the HTTP-01 challenge that will be sent by the Let's Encrypt ACME server when we start the enrollment process.

Here we have configured the vport 80 with service-group SG-HTTP consisting of one server, This server however has not been provisioned and is a dummy web server defined just to create the service-group. To ensure that the service for vport 80 service is up, we have disabled health checks at both the server and service-group levels as shown above.

Verify the virtual service is up:

vThunder#sh slb virtual-server
Total Number of Virtual Services configured: 1
Virtual Server Name   IP       Current  Total   Request Response Peak
Service-Group      Service     connection connection packets packets connection
*VIP1    All Up

  port 80 http             0     1     4    0    0
SG-HTTP         80/http     0     0     3    0    0
Total received conn attempts on this port: 1

Start the certificate enrollment process

To follow the enrollment progress, open a separate terminal window to the Thunder device and run the command show pki acme-cert log <acme-profile-name> follow


vThunder#sh pki acme-cert log doh-le follow

Now start the enrollment process by running the command "enroll" under the ACME profile :

vThunder#conf t
vThunder(config)#pki acme-cert doh-le
vThunder(config-acme cert:doh-le)#enroll

Check the enrollment status using:

vThunder(config-acme cert:doh-le)#sh pki acme-cert status
Certificate name: doh-le  status: SUCCESS
   Last enrollment/renewal: SUCCESS
   Rotated files: 1

To view the list of certificates available on the Thunder device:

vThunder#sh pki cert
Name  Type              Expiration Status
doh-le certificate/key Apr 6 00:57:16 2023 GMT [Unexpired, Unbound]

DoH configuration on the Thunder device

Once the certificate has been provisioned, configure DoH on the Thunder device using this certificate and the corresponding private key:

slb server RS1
 port 53 tcp
 port 53 udp
slb server RS2
 port 53 tcp
 port 53 udp
slb service-group SG-DNS-TCP tcp
 member RS1 53
 member RS2 53
slb service-group SG-DNS-UDP udp
 member RS1 53
 member RS2 53
slb template client-ssl doh-cssl
 certificate doh-le key doh-le
slb template doh doh-template
  forwarding-ipv4 internal
slb virtual-server VIP1 use-if-ip ethernet 1
  port 53 dns-tcp
    source-nat auto
    service-group SG-DNS-TCP
  port 53 dns-udp
    source-nat auto
    service-group SG-DNS-UDP
  port 80 http
    source-nat auto
    service-group SG-HTTP
  port 443 https
    template doh doh-template
    template client-ssl doh-cssl

Optional configuration

You can additionally configure the following features:

Enable integrated DDoS protection

Secure HTTP port 80 by applying security policies

Apply DNS template to:

  • Enable DNS caching
  • Filter malformed DNS packets
  • Filter DNS ANY type of queries

ip anomaly-drop bad-content 24 
ip anomaly-drop drop-all 
ip anomaly-drop out-of-sequence 24 
ip anomaly-drop zero-window 24 
icmp-rate-limit 2000 
slb common
slb template dns dns-template
  default-policy cache
  malformed-query drop
  query-type-filter deny
    query-type ANY
slb template virtual-port acme 
slb virtual-server VIP1 use-if-ip ethernet 1 
  port 53 dns-tcp 
    source-nat auto 
    service-group SG-DNS-TCP 
    template dns dns-template 
  port 53 dns-udp 
    source-nat auto 
    service-group SG-DNS-UDP 
    template dns dns-template 
  port 80 http 
    source-nat auto 
    service-group SG-HTTP 
    template virtual-port acme 
  port 443 https 
    template doh doh-template 
    template client-ssl doh-cssl 

Note that these are only some of the options that are available on the Thunder device, and for more details, refer to the ACOS documentation.

Client browser configuration

Configure the client browser to use this DoH service.

For example, in the Firefox browser, open Settings and search for "doh":

Then configure your custom DoH URI as shown below.

Here we configure the URI:


where doh.a10tests.com is the domain name for which the certificate had been provisioned.


Now open a website. e.g. www.a10networks.com using the client browser. This will trigger the DNS resolution process:

You can verify by doing a packet capture on the Thunder device:

vThunder#debug l4
vThunder#debug packet
vThunder#debug monitor
Wait for debug output, enter <ctrl c> to exit
@4603002919 i( 1,  0)> ip > tcp 28180 > 443 PA 9251af32:f4bba19a(390)
@4603002919 o( 0,  1)> ip > udp 28180 > 53 len 136 qry id 256
@4603002919 i( 0,  0)> ip > udp 28180 > 53 len 136 qry id 256
@4603002920 o( 1,  0)> ip > udp 24830 > 53 len 136 qry id 256

To view the statistics for the virtual-server:

vThunder#sh slb  virtual-server VIP1
Virtual server: VIP1 State: Functional Up    IP:
  Port             Curr-conn Total-conn Rev-Pkt  Fwd-Pkt  Peak-con

Virtual Port:53  / service:SG-DNS-TCP / state:All Up

  port 53 dns-tcp           0     0     0    0    0

Virtual Port:53  / service:SG-DNS-UDP / state:All Up

  port 53 dns-udp           1     84     22    260   0

Virtual Port:80  / service:SG-HTTP / state:All Up

  port 80 http             0     0     0    0    0

Virtual Port:443  / service: / state:Functional Up

  port 443 https            6     0     186   331   0
Total Traffic              7     84     208   591   0

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