Can't access GUI

I can access A10 CFW from CLI (admin/a10) but I can't access GUI (admin/a10) how can I do it for the GUI access?

Interface Mangement IP address config finished.

New create user account from CLI.

New create user access web, access cli, access axapi (config from CLI)

But I can't access GUI still now. Could you please help and explain for the GUI access?


  • john_allenjohn_allen Member, A10ers ✭✭

    So are you getting the GUI login screen and can't log in with your new user, or are you not even getting to the GUI login screen? Is this an A10 Appliance or vThunder? If Appliance, what model?

  • kokosoekokosoe Member

    I can't access GUI login (admin/a10) but I can access CLI login (admin/a10)

    A10 Thunder 3350-E (Physical Appliance)

    Firmware Version = ACOS version 5.2.1-p2, build 117 (Jul-10-2021,17:40)

  • john_allenjohn_allen Member, A10ers ✭✭
    edited November 2024

    So when you enter 'https://{ip of your 3350E}/gui/auth/login/' into your browser, what do you get? What error is being shown?

  • boteyeboteye Member, A10ers

    Do you see this issue after upgrade?
    Are you unable to access login page? Or it is a credential failure issue?

    If it is a credentials failure issue, could you reset the password using command?
    "admin admin password <new_password>" ← default not allowed

  • kokosoekokosoe Member
    edited November 2024

    I can access GUI login now (admin/a10)

    root cause firmware issue.

    Current Firmware Version = ACOS version 5.2.1-p2, build 117 (Jul-10-2021,17:40)

    Upgrade Firmware Version = ACOS version 5.2.1-P11, build 66 (Jul-30-2024, 08:24)

    I can access GUI login (admin/a10) firmware version ACOS_non_FTA_5_2_1-P11_66.64.upg

    Thank you very much everyone.

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