Healthmonitor from F5 to A10

Hi Everyone, we are migrating F5 to A10 in this process we would like to test Health monitors in A10 for samw which already working in F5, but unfortunately it is no working on A10 with same as below

URL type - HEAD

Send string - / HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n

Expected string - Server\:

did anyone faces similer issues is there any solution for this make work ??


  • dquinndquinn Member, A10ers ✭✭

    try the following:

    health monitor test-hc 

     method http port 80 expect "Server\\:" url HEAD "/HTTP/1.0\\r\\n\\r\\n" 

    i tend to use the GUI to do these type translations

  • do you use single \ or \\ ?

    I can see in CLI it is ' \\ ' but in GUA showing as ' \ '

  • dquinndquinn Member, A10ers ✭✭

    in cli you would use \\

    i would recommend putting your F5 configs into the GUI to do the translation. As you see, it will translate the single \ to a double \\ . There are other translations besides the \ that will be easier to translate in GUI (use the GUI first)

  • Thanks for your help.. :)

    but not wokring as epxected :(

  • dquinndquinn Member, A10ers ✭✭

    a little more testing, try this one. We do not need to extra detail in the url

    health monitor test-hc 

     method http port 80 expect Server: url HEAD / 

  • No luck :(

  • dquinndquinn Member, A10ers ✭✭

    that output doesn't match the config. What version of ACOS are you running?

    here is the config from above with the expected output:

    dquinn_vTH1-Active-vMaster[12/1]#sh run health monitor test-hc

    !Section configuration: 75 bytes     


    health monitor test-hc 

     method http port 80 expect Server: url HEAD / 


    dquinn_vTH1-Active-vMaster[12/1]#sh health monitor test-hc

    Monitor Name:     test-hc

    Interval:       5

    Max Retry:       3

    Timeout:        5

    Up-Retry:       1

    SSL-Ciphers:      DEFAULT     

    Passive Enable     

    Status:        Idle

    Method:        HTTP         

    Attribute:       port=80  

                url="HEAD /"


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