variable scopes only for one virtual sever or one request

otahiotahi Member

I want to operate multiple stage environments(development, staging, production) in a partition.
For those environments, I want to use same aflex policies as many as possible.

I had looked for use following aflex policies.

when RULE_INIT {
    set ::global::target_service = "staging_service_80"

when RULE_INIT {
    set ::global::target_service = "production_service_80"

    pool ::global::target_service

But ::global:: variables seem really global on the whole AX device.
So I think the variable for the staging effects to the production.

I want to use variables can be applied to one virtual service or one request.

Do we have any solutions?


  • mischamischa Member
    edited March 2014
    Can you give it a go without the ::global prefix.
    Just do ::target_service and it will be "local" to the Virtual Port.
  • otahiotahi Member
    edited March 2014
    Thank you for your response.

    I have just tried but result is NG.
    :: variable can not be read by other policies.
    I want to use separated policies to keep maintainability.

    config for a virtual service
       port 80  http
          name test
          service-group pl_test
          aflex test-env
          aflex test-access
    aflex test-env
    when RULE_INIT {
        set ::global::test_target_service "global"
        set ::test_target_service "noglobal"

    aflex test-access
    when HTTP_REQUEST {
        log "::global::test_target_service $::global::test_target_service"
        log "::test_target_service  $::test_target_service"

    log(result) : logged only for the global variable
    Mar 11 2014 01:05:22 Info    [AFLEX]:::global::test_target_service global

    I rechecked the manual 'aFleX Scripting Language Reference'
    and some descriptions there.
    Prefix ::
    Applies only to the current aFleX policy.
    This variable cannot be set or read by any other
    aFleX policies. Once the variable is defined, it can
    be removed only by an unset command.

    Prefix ::global::
    Applies to all aFleX policies. This variable can be
    set or read by all aFleX policies on the AX device.
    any ideas?
  • mischamischa Member
    edited March 2014
    Yes, you are correct the ::VAR can not be used by other scripts. I have been wrecking my brain but there isn't a way to do what you want to do today.
    Using tables for example will give you the same result as ::global::.
    The only alternative would be to include the RULE_INIT in the actual script.
  • otahiotahi Member
    edited March 2014

    I found a trick as follows.

    When the virtual server works on

    aflex test-env
    when RULE_INIT {
        set ::global:: "pool_staging"

    aflex test-access
    when HTTP_REQUEST {
        eval "set pool_name \${::global::[IP::local_addr]}"
        log "pool_name $pool_name"

    Mar 18 2014 05:01:10 Info    [AFLEX]:pool_name pool_staging

    We might use arrays in this way.
    Please tell me if you have any smarter ways.
  • mischamischa Member
    edited March 2014
    Nice workaround!
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