
Geolocated redirect aFlex

edited August 2023 in aFleX
Hi team,

Just a quick message to advertise about a specific aFlex adaptation I had to do.
The actual iR**le is defined as following:

set url [string tolower [HTTP::host]]
if {$url ne "es.sites.xxx.com"} {
switch [whereis [IP::client_addr] country] {

ES { HTTP::redirect http://es.xxx.com }
IT { HTTP::redirect http://it.xxx.com }
BR { HTTP::redirect http://br.xxx.com }
MX { HTTP::redirect http://mex.xxx.com }


We actually do not support the “whereis country” instruction, but it can easily be replaced by a check of the “Accept-Language” header, which will be even more precise in general, and also faster as you don’t need to wait for the “whereis” instruction to be executed.
I had also to adapt the behavior of the “switch” instruction with the “-glob” option which allows to specify meta characters to make it easier in terms of programing and reading

Here is the resulting aFlex

set url [string tolower [HTTP::host]]
if {$url ne "es.sites.xxx.com"} {
switch -glob [HTTP::header "Accept-language"] {

es-ES* { HTTP::redirect http://es.xxx.com }
it-IT* { HTTP::redirect http://it.xxx.com }
pt-BR* { HTTP::redirect http://br.xxx.com }
es-MX* { HTTP::redirect http://mex.xxx.com }


Job done ;-)
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