
Getting around Data Groups

mischamischa Member
Posted by mischa

IHAC that is looking to replace their current LBs with A10 and they are using Data Groups.


class exampleClass { "string1" "string2" "string3" } rule exampleRule { when HTTP_REQUEST { if {[matchclass [HTTP::uri] contains exampleClass]}{ log local0. "Using uri-match pool - [HTTP::uri]" pool pool-uri-match } else { pool pool-no-uri-match log local0. "No uri matched using no-uri-match pool - [HTTP::uri]" } } }

This is what we will need to use with aFleX in order to do something similar.


when RULE_INIT { # List of "part of URL" not authorized set ::NOT_ALLOWED_REQUEST [list "/setup.php" "/w00tw00t.at.ISC.SANS.DFind:"] } when HTTP_REQUEST { # Convert the URI received to lowercase set URI [string tolower [HTTP::uri]] # Check if the request received is part if the blocked list for {set x 0} {$x<[llength $::NOT_ALLOWED_REQUEST]} {incr x} { if {[string first [string tolower [lindex $::NOT_ALLOWED_REQUEST $x]] $URI] != -1} { # Request if part of the blocked list => reject request + log log "Client [IP::client_addr] had its request dropped http://[HTTP::host][HTTP::uri]" reject #exit the loop set x [llength $::NOT_ALLOWED_REQUEST] } } }

Source: Dimitri Desmidt


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    mischamischa Member
    edited February 2014
    Posted by mischa

    Updated code:


    when RULE_INIT { set ::NOT_ALLOWED_REQUEST [list "/setup.php" "/w00tw00t.at.isc.sans.dfind:"] } when HTTP_REQUEST { set URI [string tolower [HTTP::uri]] set SEARCH_INDEX [lsearch $::NOT_ALLOWED_REQUEST $URI] if { $SEARCH_INDEX != -1 } { log "Client [IP::client_addr] had its request dropped http://[HTTP::host][HTTP::uri]" reject } }
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