Upgrade SoftAx 2.7.1 to 4.1
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Has anyone successfully upgraded a SoftAx 2.7.1 to a 4.1 version?
- read the release notes for upgrade paths
I went from 2.7.1-GR1 to 2.7.2-P7-SP3 to 4.1-P1
- break VCS
- I would strongly advise to upgrade using the CLI... not the GUI.
- make backups & snapshots/clones in your virtual environment before you start.
- RBA's are not supported in 4.1 don't upgrade of you use RBA's
- spaces in names of things can/will cause issues, change them before you upgrade.
- in general check the release notes from the versions of 4.0 and up to see what has changed
(HA setups replaced by VRRP-a etc.)
- some other issues might still be there with the conversion script, so after an upgrade check if everything is there (templates, certs/keys etc)
- during upgrades you might run out of disk space... do not grow the disk in your virtual environment! you can NOT do this, it will not resize the usable space. it will mess up the free space calculation. and you can not turn back. have support clean the system if you run out of space.
- check the "system resource-usage" settings before and after you upgrade from 2.7.1 to 2.7.2, the defaults may change (be lowered based on memory) and this can cause issues.
- check how much memory there is assigned to the SoftAX/vThunder... if the GUI/CLI is unstable or the machine crashes... add 1 or 2 GB it might fix the problems you are seeing.
I have installed the 2.7.1 version of ACOS, copied our production config, changed management ip and snat addresses, upgraded it to version 2.7.2 P7 SP3 and then upgraded it to 4.0.3-P1-SP2 Build10(*)
Some of the configuration has not come across, the existing WAF rules and Class lists from the 2.7.2 environment.