VCS message: vMaster is inconsistent with vBlade 0

we implemented 2 new AX3200-12 with ACOS 2.7.2-P6, build 65 as VCS.

Everything is working fine, vMaster and vBlade are up an running and config changes on vMaster are synced to the vblade.

Now to my question:

On the vMaster I can see every minute the following log entry:

Nov 17 2015 17:56:22 Info [VCS]:vMaster is inconsistent with vBlade 0
Nov 17 2015 17:55:21 Info [VCS]:vMaster is inconsistent with vBlade 0
Nov 17 2015 17:54:22 Info [VCS]:vMaster is inconsistent with vBlade 0

How can I find out, what is the cause of these messages ? Is that something that I should care about it?

I started vcs debug but in my opinion I can't find related things about that in the debug output.
The one thing I can see are messages that there are duplicate election messages:

on vMaster: [election called by a10dcs(9294)], <M>, duplicate vBlade pdu from 2, seq 3540
on vBlade: [election called by a10dcs(21591)], <S>, duplicate vMaster pdu from 1, seq 36314

Any suggestions to troubleshoot that ???

Thanks in advance for any comment,



  • diederikdiederik Member
    edited November 2015

    When you are seeing duplicate du messages, something odd is going on on the network level.
    Are there any loops? Or are you sending out pdf's on interfaces that are sharing a single VLAN? As in, are you bridging connections to interfaces on the outside maybe?

    Regarding the consistency message, that might be related to the duplicate pdu's...
    Have you manually checked to see if all the units are really in sync? Including certificates etc?

    Best would be to open a case with TAC and have them check.


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