health monitor snmp

I need information about health monitor SNMP because I need to pass that configuration of CISCO to A10.


probe snmp snmp_tomcat7djwfp
port 161
interval 3
faildetect 5
passdetect interval 5
community monsti
oid iso.
type absolute max 666667
threshold 3000

health monitor snmp_tomcat7djwfp
method snmp community monsti oid

when I configured in A10 that health monitor didn't work. I don't understand what happend or my configuration it wrong?

I need any information please.


  • dshindshin Member
    edited September 2015
    Can you please provide answers to the following:

    1. For the SNMP services to work in ACOS, the snmp services has to be enabled. Please verify or enable based on ACOS versions

    A. 4.0.X code
    inside(config)#snmp-server enable

    B. 2.7 code
    inside(config)#snmp enable

    2. Also I noticed that the IOD provided in your ACOS config sampleis still in Cisco's OID ie..."". You might want to update the OID information as well.

    Let me know if it works otherwise so we can debug further.

    edited October 2015

    I review your question:

    1. Snmp is enable in partition shared ((ACOS) version 2.7.1-P1)

    snmp-server enable

    2. When I do "snmpwalk in different device to server" the answer is:

    @Artur:~$ sudo snmpwalk -v 1 -c monsti
    iso. = STRING: "5"

    I need to realize a configuration, for example when the string reach 10, It changes server's state to "DOWN".
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