Change ssh AX default port 22 to another

Posted by fitwate

My customer want to change ssh default port 22 to another (65534). Please advise to solve this problem
Thank you very much


  • edited February 2014
    Posted by ddesmidt


    We don't provide the ability to change the default SSH(22) port to something else.
    That said, we have a lot of ways to secure the AX management:
    . We do provide the ability to disable/enable the different management accesses (http, https, ssh, telnet, smtp) individually for each interface. For instance accept only SSH to the management interface and not the data interfaces (that's the default configuration).
    . We also provide the ability to use specific Access Control List (ACL) for each interface to protect these management accesses.
    . You can modify the default http(80) and https(443) ports (not SSH/telnet/snmp).
    . You can lock any IP@ that attempted to many wrong user/pwd.
    . And since 2.6.0, you can provide SSH access via public key authentication.

    Hopefully all these different options will please your customer.
    If they really want to modify the default SSH port from 22 to 65534, I let you contact your A10 Networks Sales Representative so he can create a feature request.

  • fitwatefitwate Member
    edited February 2014
    Posted by fitwate

    Thank you very much. I known
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