
Ahemd StarAhemd Star Member
edited August 2023 in System
What is promiscuous VIP and why we enable promiscuous when we use wildcard VIP


  • edited July 2014
    A wildcard VIP has to listen for all traffic, and not just traffic destined for a single IP, so promiscuous mode needs to be on for the AX to look for and process all traffic on the wire.
  • Ahemd StarAhemd Star Member
    edited July 2014
    thanks for your reply.

    as i understand..the servers must be directly connected to the A10 or through dedicated switch to process all traffic on the wire.

    also i want to know how the traffic will be directed to A10. in the normal SLB the traffic go to A10 through VIP (one IP as a destination) but here in link load balance with wildcard VIP , How the traffic will path though A10?
  • dshindshin Member
    edited July 2014
    So in link load balancing(LLB) the traffic is outbound and the ACOS(Thunder) device uses an ACL to match internal clients addresses. If the a client matches with the ACL the request is sent to the wildcard VIP and the ACOS will use the standard SLB algorithm to select the outbound links(VIP) and sends the request to the next hop. The servers are configured as the links(ISP).

    Clients----->>Wildcard VIP--->>Server Pool(links)---->>Link

    I hope this helps.

  • Ahemd StarAhemd Star Member
    edited August 2014

    But im talking about the physical connection.

    Does the servers need to be directly connected through switch for example to the promiscuous interface to listen the trrafic ?
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