RAM Cache Security
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Posted by patricko0317
A question has arisen as to the security of the RAM Cache. Some of the objects we are caching containg personal, private information. We need to make sure that the RAM Cache is secure and that this data cannot be accessed inadvertently or maliciously.
Our HTTP caching is done in RAM.
There are multiple benefits to that:
. Very fast
Very high scalability (req/sec + throughput)
. Secure
You can't access it and as soon as you shutdown/reboot the box the cache data is lost.
Also something important, AX will cache only the content that is "cacheable" (information provided by all web servers).
In other words, if the server replies that content is:
. not cacheable
. private (only for 1 user)
then AX won't cache it to prevent AX to directly deliver it to other end-users.