bypass traffic on A10

Dear everyone,

I have one AX3030. My boss requires to deploy A10 load balancing ADC: when A10 fails, all traffic will bypass A10 and the traffic will be no interrupted.

Which mode deployment of A10 supports the above requirement?

Thanks for support.



  • kumakuma Member
    edited March 2014
    Hi Khang,

    Does the requirement referring to a hardware bypass?
    If so, unfortunately AX/TH series does not support that at the moment.

    Some workaround may be putting your AX3030 in one-arm topology, have the AX's VIP and real server accessible, and control which to use by using DNS.

    Hope this helps.
  • zeljkozeljko Member
    edited June 2014

    You could advertise the VIP from LB using ex OSPF. This way when LB is available and (optionally) when LB sees servers as healthy you would attract traffic through the LB otherwise it could follow another IP path of lower preference bypassing LBs.
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