Force persistence to a server for testing

mischamischa Member
# Test specific server in pool
# (c) A10 Networks -- MP
# v1 20140128
# aFleX script that allows you to create easy
# persistence to a specific server in a pool.
# To test: http:///test:
# To stop: http:///notest
# For eample:
# Questions & comments welcome.
# mpeters AT a10networks DOT com
when RULE_INIT {
set ::DEBUG 0
set ::PORT 80
set ::TABLE "nodetable"
if { $::DEBUG == 1 } { log "URI: [HTTP::uri]" }
if { [HTTP::uri] contains "test" } {
set ACTION [getfield [HTTP::uri] ":" 1]
set NODE [getfield [HTTP::uri] ":" 2]
if { $::DEBUG == 1 } { log "ACTION: $ACTION; NODE: $NODE" }
switch $ACTION {
/test {
table set $::TABLE [IP::client_addr] $NODE indef indef
if { $::DEBUG == 1 } { log "CREATED ENTRY FOR [IP::client_addr] -> $NODE:$::PORT" }
HTTP::redirect /
/notest {
table delete $::TABLE [IP::client_addr]
if { $::DEBUG == 1 } { log "ENTRY DELETED FOR [IP::client_addr]" }
HTTP::redirect /
set NODE [table lookup $::TABLE [IP::client_addr]]
if { $NODE != "" } {
node $NODE $::PORT
if { $::DEBUG == 1 } { log "ENTRY FOUND: [IP::client_addr] -> $NODE:$::PORT" }


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