xAPI getstatus- PHP
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in System
Posted by JackofallTrades
Below is a sample of code for accessing the xAPI via PHP. I am using xPath and pear HTTP/REQUEST2. I am not a coder so ignore my slop.
First I define the login information and the xAPI path.
The code snippet is ax_main.php
From there I have a ax_session_id.php. This is where we grab the session_id we will be using for the rest of the session.
Here is the bit of code to get the status of the vips
Here is the code to get server status.
Below is a sample of code for accessing the xAPI via PHP. I am using xPath and pear HTTP/REQUEST2. I am not a coder so ignore my slop.
First I define the login information and the xAPI path.
The code snippet is ax_main.php
//pear install HTTP_Request2
require 'HTTP/Request2.php';
//define username,password and host
$username = 'admin';
$password = 'a10';
//define the xAPI
define("AX_REST", "http://".$host."/services/rest/V1/");
From there I have a ax_session_id.php. This is where we grab the session_id we will be using for the rest of the session.
$sid = 1;
function getSid()
require 'ax_main.php';
$args = array(
'method' => 'authenticate',
'username' => $username,
'password' => $password);
//http_build_query is only used here because I ran into a bug.
$url = AX_REST . "?" . http_build_query($args);
$Req = new HTTP_Request2();
$res = $Req->send();
$sid_xml= $res->getBody();
//echo $sid_xml;
$sid_local_scope = new SimpleXMLElement($sid_xml);
$sid = $sid_local_scope->xpath('//session_id');
//I am using globals because I am lazy.
$GLOBALS['sid'] = $sid[0];
//echo $GLOBALS['sid'];
Here is the bit of code to get the status of the vips
//require_once 'ax_main.php';
$vip = '';
function getVip_status()
include 'ax_session_id.php';
//I ran into a bug so I am not using http_build_query
$url = AX_REST . "?session_id=" .$GLOBALS['sid']."&method=slb.vip.getALL" ;
//echo $url;
$Req = new HTTP_Request2();
$res = $Req->send();
$vip_xml= $res->getBody();
//echo $vip_xml;
$vip_local_scope = new SimpleXMLElement($vip_xml);
$virtual = $vip_local_scope->xpath('//virtual-server');
foreach ($virtual as $list) {
if ($list->attributes()->status == 0) {
$vip_status = "<font color=\"black\">disabled</font>";
} elseif ($list->attributes()->status == 1) {
$vip_status = "<font color=\"green\">All Up</font>";
} elseif ($list->attributes()->status == 2) {
$vip_status = "<font color=\"yellow\">Part Up</font>";
} elseif ($list->attributes()->status == 3) {
$vip_status = "<font color=\"orange\">Func Up</font>";
} elseif ($list->attributes()->status == 4) {
$vip_status = "<font color=\"red\">Down</font>";
} else {
$vip_status = "<font color=\"blue\">Unknown</font>";
echo "VIP: ".$list->attributes()->name." Status: ". $vip_status."<br>";
Here is the code to get server status.
//get session ID
$server = '';
function getServer_status()
include 'ax_session_id.php';
$url = AX_REST . "?" . "session_id=" .$GLOBALS['sid']."&method=slb.server.getALL";
$Req = new HTTP_Request2();
$res = $Req->send();
$server_xml= $res->getBody();
//echo "server_xml = ".$server_xml."<br>";
$server_local_scope = new SimpleXMLElement($server_xml);
$server_list = $server_local_scope->xpath('//server');
foreach ($server_list as $list) {
if ($list->attributes()->status == 0) {
$server_status = "<font color=\"black\">disabled</font>";
} elseif ($list->attributes()->status == 1) {
$server_status = "<font color=\"green\">Up</font>";
} elseif ($list->attributes()->status == 4) {
$server_status = "<font color=\"red\">Down</font>";
} else {
$server_status = "<font color=\"blue\">Unknown</font>";
echo "Server Name: ".$list->attributes()->name." Status is: ". $server_status."<br>";