TCP default timeout on HTTP profile

rmohitermohite Member


I need help timeouts. We have a https virtual server, when i see its configuration "with-default" i see it has default tcp profile attached to it. As far as i know default tcp profile has idle timeout of 120secs.

If i want to change this idle timeout to 300secs, how do I do it? Should i create a new TCP template with 300sec as idle timeout and attach it to virtual? Or anything else?

I have a custom http template attached to the virtual in question as well and this template has client-idle-timeout as 0. So also suggest if changing TCP idle timeout with tcp template is required in this case.

Thank you.


  • mdunnmdunn Member ✭✭

    If the Virtual Port is type HTTPS, you can bind HTTP and tcp-proxy templates. You cannot bind tcp template. You can change the idle timeout within the HTTP template (default is 0, disabled) and you can also change the timeout in tcp-proxy (default is 600 seconds).

    It would not apply to your HTTPS virtual port, but you can change the tcp default idle timeout as well:

    slb template tcp default
    idle-timeout 300

    Hope this helps!

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