session log is show reserve source and destination is ip and client is not use web http

Hi, i check a box in log session is reserve source & destination is and client says it cannot use web http


What could be the cause? Because when the client cannot use web http, the log session reserve source & destination will show the IP value


  • pongsathitpongsathit Member
  • mdunnmdunn Member, A10ers ✭✭✭

    This may suggest that the session between the A10 and the Real Server cannot be establish. I would check the following:

    1. service-group configuration on the virtual server and that at least 1 service-group member is in UP status
    2. connectivity from A10 to the real server's TCP Port
    3. Whether or not Source NAT is required on the virtual server. If SNAT is not configured, A10 needs to be in the path between real server and client such as the A10 configured as default gateway for the real server.

    After that, a packet capture (axdebug) may be necessary to observe the traffic.

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