AxAPI Export or Download example?
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I'm wanting to snag the fixed-nat port mapping file periodically and save it elsewhere, or in a database. I have managed to get the list of files, but I can't seem to figure out the export command.
Could someone by chance share an example of how this would be done?
In a perfect world i'd like to hit the API, get the file name, and download it from the same script. But if I have to scp/ftp it somewhere first that is fine as well.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Hi brandonbelew,
You can use export command with either cli or aXAPI to upload the fixed-nat port-mapping-file(s) to scp/ftp server.
vThunder#export fixed-nat <file name> use-mgmt-port scp://user:pass@server-ip/directory/
With aXAPI, you can do something like this.
Hope this helps.
Thanks! I actually found a script shortly after making this post of an example dumping the AXDEBUG files that pointed me in the right direction, identical direction even.