How to automate basic Thunder ADC config using Ansible ?

gokulpokurigokulpokuri Member
edited December 2020 in DevOps

Ansible is an open-source software tool facilitating configuration management, application deployment, IT, and infrastructure automation.

The playbook used in this article provides the steps on how to configure basic Layer 4 VIP (virtual server) on Thunder ADC using Ansible. The playbook contains four “tasks” and uses acos_axapi modules. A10 acos_axapi module set consists of more than 1,600 modules. Module set can be downloaded from GitHub Repository:

The four modules that are used in the playbook are below:

1.     a10.acos_axapi.a10_ip_nat_pool

2.     a10.acos_axapi.a10_health_monitor

3.     a10.acos_axapi.a10_slb_service_group

4.     a10.acos_axapi.a10_slb_virtual_server

Using the modules, configure the NAT pool and health monitor settings as these parameters are used in the service group and virtual server modules. Then configure servers, service groups, and virtual server.

Here is the sample setup:

The playbook example below configures 2 servers ( and, a service group with a health monitor, a Virtual server ( VIP= with a NAT pool, and a service group attached to it. Host value vthunder2 points to the Thunder ADC  host variables ansible_host, ansible_port, ansible_username, ansible_password defined in the inventory file inventory.txt.

For example:

vthunder ansible_host= ansible_port=443 ansible_username=admin ansible_password=a10

To learn more about A10 Ansible module parameters, refer to module documentation by running the command ansible-doc <modulename> on the Ansible server.

Playbook Example:

- name: Basic ADC Configuration example playbook
  connection: local
  hosts: vthunder2
 - name: Configure NAT pool
     ansible_host: "{{ ansible_host }}"
     ansible_port: "{{ ansible_port }}"
     ansible_username: "{{ ansible_username }}"
     ansible_password: "{{ ansible_password }}"
     state: present
     pool_name: natpool

 - name: Configure Health Monitor
     ansible_host: "{{ ansible_host }}"
     ansible_port: "{{ ansible_port }}"
     ansible_username: "{{ ansible_username }}"
     ansible_password: "{{ ansible_password }}"
     state: present
     up_retry: 1
     retry: 3
     timeout: 5
     interval: 5
         method_tcp: 1
         tcp_port: 80
     name: health_monitor1

 - name: Configure Servers and Service Group
     ansible_host: "{{ ansible_host }}"
     ansible_port: "{{ ansible_port }}"
     ansible_username: "{{ ansible_username }}"
     ansible_password: "{{ ansible_password }}"
     protocol: tcp
     health_check: health_monitor1
       - host:
         name: server-1
         port: 80
       - host:
         name: server-2
         port: 80
     lb_method: dst-ip-hash
     name: Ansible-servicegroup

 - name: Configure Virtual Server
     ansible_host: "{{ ansible_host }}"
     ansible_port: "{{ ansible_port }}"
     ansible_username: "{{ ansible_username }}"
     ansible_password: "{{ ansible_password }}"
     state: present
     name: VIP-TCP
     enable_disable_action: enable
     stats_data_action: stats-data-enable
       - name: vport_ansible_demo
         protocol: tcp
         port_number: 80
         action: enable
         pool: natpool
         service_group: Ansible-servicegroup

Let’s say the name of the playbook file is ADC_config.yaml. Run the following command to execute the playbook.

ansible-playbook ADC_config.yaml -i inventory.txt

Below is the output from the playbook execution, showing the status OK with all 4 configuration changes done.

On CLI, the Thunder ADC configuration created by the “ADC_config.yaml” playbook will look as follows:

ip nat pool natpool netmask /24
health monitor health_monitor1
 method tcp port 80
slb server server-1
 port 80 tcp
slb server server-2
 port 80 tcp
slb service-group Ansible-servicegroup tcp
 method dst-ip-hash
 health-check health_monitor1
 member server-1 80
 member server-2 80
slb virtual-server VIP-TCP /24
 port 80 tcp
   name vport_ansible_demo
   source-nat pool natpool
   service-group Ansible-servicegroup


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