aFlex for log mail from,to, on STARTTLS/TLS mails in ssl-proxy port
Hi, i'm new in this forum and with a10 aFlex.
Device: A10 thunder 3030s
Os: 2.7.2-P11(build: 77)
I've configured a SMTP service in one VIP with two ports:
25 - SMTP
2530 - STARTTLS/TLS (port with ssl-client template in mode ssl-proxy)
and (for GDPR law) need to log the ip, mail from, mail to, message id, ip from, vip, nat,... but when mail is sended with starttls or tls i can't do it.
How can i do it succesfully?
The aflex:
Thanx for all
Device: A10 thunder 3030s
Os: 2.7.2-P11(build: 77)
I've configured a SMTP service in one VIP with two ports:
25 - SMTP
2530 - STARTTLS/TLS (port with ssl-client template in mode ssl-proxy)
and (for GDPR law) need to log the ip, mail from, mail to, message id, ip from, vip, nat,... but when mail is sended with starttls or tls i can't do it.
How can i do it succesfully?
The aflex:
# Script para capturar ip de origen del remitente, destinatario, remitente e id del mensaje # 1539078849:09/10/2018-11:54:09] [<ip_origen> <ipVIP> <ip Servidor>] [<remitente> <destinatario/s> <mensaje id>] when RULE_INIT { set ::cip "N/D" set ::cport "N/D" set ::vip "N/D" set ::vport "N/D" set ::fechahumana "N/D" set ::timestamp "N/D" set ::snat_ip "N/D" set ::snat_port "N/D" set ::sip "N/D" set ::sport "N/D" set ::remitente "N/D" set ::destinatario_s "N/D" set ::id_mensaje "N/D" } when CLIENT_ACCEPTED { set ::cip [IP::client_addr] set ::cport [TCP::client_port] set ::vip [IP::local_addr] set ::vport [TCP::local_port] set fecha [clock format [TIME::clock seconds] -format {%d/%m/%Y}] set hora [clock format [TIME::clock seconds] -format {%H:%M:%S}] set ::fechahumana "$fecha-$hora" set ::timestamp [TIME::clock seconds] } when SERVER_CONNECTED { TCP::collect set ::snat_ip [IP::local_addr] set ::snat_port [TCP::local_port] set ::sip [IP::server_addr] set ::sport [TCP::server_port] set fecha [clock format [TIME::clock seconds] -format {%d/%m/%Y}] set hora [clock format [TIME::clock seconds] -format {%H:%M:%S}] set ::fechahumana "$fecha-$hora" set ::timestamp [TIME::clock seconds] } when CLIENT_DATA { set fecha [clock format [TIME::clock seconds] -format {%d/%m/%Y}] set hora [clock format [TIME::clock seconds] -format {%H:%M:%S}] set ::fechahumana "$fecha-$hora" set ::timestamp [TIME::clock seconds] set lcpayload [string tolower [TCP::payload]] regsub "\x0a" $lcpayload " " lcpayload #log local0.7 $lcpayload #log $lcpayload if { $lcpayload contains "mail from:" } { set ::remitente $lcpayload regsub "\r\n" $::remitente "" ::remitente regsub "\r" $::remitente "" ::remitente regsub "\n" $::remitente "" ::remitente regsub "mail from:" $::remitente "" ::remitente regsub " " $::remitente "" ::remitente set ::remitente [substr $::remitente 0 ">"] } if { $lcpayload contains "rcpt to:" } { set ::destinatario_s $lcpayload regsub "\r\n" $::destinatario_s "" ::destinatario_s regsub "\r" $::destinatario_s "" ::destinatario_s regsub "\r" $::destinatario_s "" ::destinatario_s regsub "rcpt to:" $::destinatario_s "" ::destinatario_s regsub " " $::remitente "" ::remitente set ::destinatario_s [substr $::destinatario_s 0 ">"] } TCP::release serverside { TCP::collect } # si $lcpayload contiene quit hacemos el logado de todo #if { $lcpayload contains "quit"} { log local0.7 "\[$::timestamp:$::fechahumana\] \[$::cip:$::cport $::vip:$::vport NAT:$::snat_ip:$::snat_port $::sip:$::sport\] \[$::remitente> $::destinatario_s> $::id_mensaje> \] " #} } when SERVER_DATA { set fecha [clock format [TIME::clock seconds] -format {%d/%m/%Y}] set hora [clock format [TIME::clock seconds] -format {%H:%M:%S}] set ::fechahumana "$fecha-$hora" set ::timestamp [TIME::clock seconds] set lspayload [string tolower [TCP::payload]] if { $lspayload contains "250 2.6.0 " } { regsub "250 2.6.0 " $lspayload "" ::id_mensaje set ::id_mensaje [substr $::id_mensaje 0 ">"] } TCP::release clientside { TCP::collect } }
Thanx for all