One Arm deployment problem aith Windos server 2010
Ahemd Star
Member ✭
in System
I'm facing a problem when i use Nate IP with one arm mode so all clients reach to the servers with the same ip so the team who is responsible on these servers can not make any trace or trouble shoot for his clients as all of them reach to the server with the same nate ip So, who i can solve this problem without change the mode ?
See sample configs below:
The following commands configure the HTTP template:
ACOS(config)#slb template http insertclientip
ACOS(config-HTTP template)#insert-client-ip
ACOS(config-HTTP template)#exit
The following commands bind the HTTP template to virtual port 80:
ACOS(config)#slb virtual-server vs1
ACOS(config-slb virtual server)#port 80 http
ACOS(config-slb virtual server-slb virtua...)#template http insertclientip