slb.aflex.upload not working

itsupportWHLitsupportWHL Member
Tried various ways with trying to call the api endpoint direct as well as Axios but I cannot update an Aflex rule programatically. I always get a JSON error ({"code": 1174, "msg": "Invalid JSON document."}}), c:/temp/1.file below is a basic iRule for which I've tried to save also in various encodings, ASCII, UTF-8 etc:

####BEGIN Python implementation###
import acos_client as acos
c = acos.Client('server', acos.AXAPI_21, 'adminuser', 'adminpass')
####END Python implementation###

#Raw HTTP#
HTTP Request {
POST https://lbname/services/rest/v2.1/?format=json&method=slb.aflex.upload&session_id=<hex_id_removedforpost>HTTP/1.1
Host: lbname
User-Agent: ACOS-Client-AGENT-1.4.3
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Accept: */*
Connection: keep-alive
Content-type: application/json
Content-Length: 180

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="upload_aflex"; filename="C:/temp/1.file"
Content-Type: application/octet-stream


{"response": {"status": "fail", "err": {"code": 1174, "msg": "Invalid JSON document."}}}
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