How to preserve the original source client IP using X-Forwarded-For or aFlex?


I have done doing the aFlex or X-forwarded-for configurations for A10, but still the SNAT IP of ax1030 seen in the Bluecoat Proxy User IP list. Is configurations also needed on bluecoat to preserve the original source IP?

Btw, here's my configuration on my A10 SLB

!Current configuration: 6155 bytes
!Configuration last updated at 11:11:01 MYT Wed Jun 13 2018
!Configuration last saved at 11:11:02 MYT Wed Jun 13 2018
!version 2.7.1-P3, build 76 (Nov-06-2013,11:23)
ha id 1 set-id 1

vcs enable
vcs vMaster-id 1
vcs config-info 10b2fca7f5fbf456 9390
vcs chassis-id 1
vcs floating-ip /24
vcs multicast-ip
vcs device 1
priority 200
interfaces ethernet 6
vcs device 2
priority 150
interfaces ethernet 6
vcs local-device 1
hostname A10SLB-1 device 1
hostname A10SLB-2 device 2
clock timezone Asia/Kuala_Lumpur
ntp server
ntp server
system per-vlan unknown-ucast 5000
vlan 1/111
untagged ethernet 1 ethernet 3 to 4
router-interface ve 111
vlan 1/112
router-interface ve 112
vlan 1/884
untagged ethernet 2
router-interface ve 884
vlan 1/905
router-interface ve 905
vlan 1/995
router-interface ve 995
vlan 2/111
untagged ethernet 1 ethernet 3 to 4
router-interface ve 111
vlan 2/123
untagged ethernet 7
vlan 2/884
untagged ethernet 2
router-interface ve 884
vlan 2/905
router-interface ve 905
vlan 2/995
router-interface ve 995


interface management device 1
ip address
ip default-gateway
interface management device 2
ip address
ip default-gateway
interface ethernet 1/3
interface ethernet 1/4
interface ethernet 1/6
ip address
interface ethernet 1/7
interface ethernet 1/8
interface ve 1/111
ip address
interface ve 1/112
interface ve 1/884
ip address
interface ve 1/905
interface ve 1/995
interface ethernet 2/1
speed 1000
duplexity Full
interface ethernet 2/3
interface ethernet 2/4
interface ethernet 2/5
interface ethernet 2/6
ip address
interface ethernet 2/7
interface ethernet 2/8
interface ve 2/111
ip address
interface ve 2/884
ip address
ip route /0 device 1
ip route /0 device 2

ha l3-inline-mode
ha group 1 priority 1/100
ha interface ethernet 1 no-heartbeat device 1
ha interface ethernet 2 no-heartbeat device 1
ha interface ethernet 6 device 1
ha conn-mirror ip device 1
ha group 1 priority 2/200
ha interface ethernet 1 no-heartbeat device 2
ha interface ethernet 2 no-heartbeat device 2
ha interface ethernet 6 device 2
ha conn-mirror ip device 2
ip nat pool SLB-SNAT-IP netmask /23 gateway 192.1 68.202.11 ha-group-id 1
ip nat pool testnat2 netmask /16 gateway ha-group-id 1
health monitor tcp_8080
method tcp port 8080
health monitor tcp_445
method tcp port 445
health monitor FTP
method ftp
health monitor HTTP_8080
method http port 8080
slb server BLUECOAT-PROXY_192.168.202.127
health-check tcp_8080
port 8080 tcp
health-check tcp_8080
slb server BLUECOAT-PROXY_192.168.202.128
health-check tcp_8080
port 8080 tcp
health-check tcp_8080
slb server BLUECOAT-PROXY_170.1.188.133
health-check tcp_8080
conn-limit 8000000 no-logging
port 8080 tcp
health-check tcp_8080
port 8081 tcp
health-check ping
port 8082 tcp
health-check ping
slb server BLUECOAT-PROXY_192.168.202.252
health-check tcp_8080
port 8080 tcp
health-check tcp_8080
slb service-group Bluecoat-Proxy-Test-Xforwarder tcp
health-check tcp_8080
member BLUECOAT-PROXY_170.1.188.133:8080
slb service-group BLUECOAT-PROXY-Group tcp
health-check HTTP_8080
member BLUECOAT-PROXY_170.1.188.133:8080
slb template tcp default
slb template tcp ftp_longidle
idle-timeout 15000
slb template tcp socks_longidle
idle-timeout 15000
slb template tcp insertclient2
slb template tcp TEST_TCp
slb template http X-Forwarded-For
insert-client-ip X-Forwarded-For
slb template http clientip-insert
insert-client-ip X-Forwarded-For
slb template persist source-ip sourceip_persistence
slb template persist destination-ip sticky
match-type service-group
slb virtual-server Bluecoat-Proxy-Test-Xforwarder
ha-group 1
port 8080 http
name _192.168.203.250_TCP_8080
source-nat pool SLB-SNAT-IP
service-group Bluecoat-Proxy-Test-Xforwarder
template http clientip-insert
aflex X-Forwarded-For


enable-management device 1 service ssh ethernet 1 to 8 ve 905
enable-management device 1 service https ethernet 1 to 8 ve 905
enable-management device 1 service snmp ethernet 1 to 8 ve 905
disable-management device 1 service http management
enable-management device 2 service ssh ethernet 1 to 8 ve 905
enable-management device 2 service https ethernet 1 to 8 ve 905
enable-management device 2 service snmp ethernet 1 to 8 ve 905
disable-management device 2 service http management
monitor buffer-usage 711760

multi-config enable
no terminal auto-size
terminal width 80
terminal length 0


Please HELP.


  • diederikdiederik Member
    edited June 2018

    Yes, indeed, you also need to instruct the Bluecoat to now look for the X-Fowarded-For information rather than use the client IP address as found in the IP headers.

    I'm not sure what exact Bluecoat setup you have, but a quick search lead me to this:

    Use Effective IP to Determine the Origin IP


  • mlmarcelomlmarcelo Member
    edited June 2018
    Hi Diederik

    Thanks for the link.

    Just a quick question for this

    "ip_address" specifies the HTTP proxy or load balancer IP address.

    Does this mean that i need to define the VIP of the VS or the Source NAT IP?

  • diederikdiederik Member
    edited June 2018
    The way I understand it is that the "ip_address" identifies what source the packets are coming from and which ones the proxy need to match to apply the rule of looking into the X-Forwarded-For header.

    So, if you have setup a particular NAT-IP address on the SLB, you need to put that IP address in there.
    You need to put the IP address n there which the Proxy sees in the IP header as source IP address.
  • mlmarcelomlmarcelo Member
    edited June 2018
    Hi Diederik,

    I already applied that but, result was still the same. I was prompting an error on ProxySG saying:

    Error: Expected '!', '(', or a value: '<'
    cpl.local:45: client.address=<> \ client.effective_address("$(request.header.X-Forwarded-For)")

  • diederikdiederik Member
    edited June 2018
    Well, I think the system is telling you to not use the "<"...
    but of course, we are not a Bluecoat forum...

    try again with:

    client.address= \ client.effective_address(“$(request.header.X-Forwarded-For)”)
  • mlmarcelomlmarcelo Member
    edited June 2018
    Still the same :(

    Error: Unknown tag: '\'
    cpl.local:44: client.address= \ client.effective_address(“$(request.header.X-Forwarded-For)”)
  • diederikdiederik Member
    edited June 2018
    try removing that tag...

    \ is also often shown if something did not fit on one line...

    client.address= client.effective_address(“$(request.header.X-Forwarded-For)”)
  • mlmarcelomlmarcelo Member
    edited June 2018
    With a error as well :(

    Error: Unknown tag: 'client.effective_address'
    cpl.local:44: client.address= client.effective_address(“$(request.header.X-Forwarded-For)”)
  • diederikdiederik Member
    edited June 2018
    Where are you configuring this?
    What version of OS are you running on the Proxy SG?
    Have you tried this:

    Configure Effective IP Using the VPM

    If these BlueCoat options do not seem to work on your BlueCoat system... I suggest you contact BlueCoat support :)
  • mlmarcelomlmarcelo Member
    edited June 2018
    Yes, I've tried doing it on VPM and other ways to apply the script, but nothing happens.

    Software Version: SGOS Proxy Edition

    Is there any way to show the orignal source client without affecting or configuring X Forwarded For on both devices? Like deployment method?

  • diederikdiederik Member
    edited June 2018
    Ok, first of all... is the setup working?
    I see you are redirecting port 8080 traffic to the Proxy, and you have the port type HTTP setup.
    So if the traffic flow working? Can clients browse the internet?

    Explicit proxy traffic looks like normal HTTP, but, is slightly different, the A10 might actually not be adding the header this might be due to the face the A10 sees it is explicit proxy traffic and not plain HTTP...

    If you setup your ProxySG to accept normal HTTP traffic and operate as a transparant proxy, the A10 will see the normal HTTP traffic and can add the header.

    This is the setup we normally use:

    I'm not sure what happens if you just loadbalance the explicit proxy traffic.
    I expect the A10 can not alter the header and thus you will always see the NAT IP.
  • diederikdiederik Member
    edited June 2018
    Btw, if you are setting up the clients to connect to the A10's VIP address as explicit proxy address, you can also look into using one of the new features of the A10 CFW.

    It supports explicit proxy and can do proxy forwarding toward proxy systems like BlueCoat.

    This will require a CFW/CFW License and one fo the latest ACOS versions. I would strongly suggest the latest 4.1.1-P build, or even 4.1.4.
  • mlmarcelomlmarcelo Member
    edited June 2018
    Hi Diederik,

    Yes, they can browse using the VIP but the problem is that on bluecoat proxy, it only see the Source NAT IP configured on A10, not their original IP.

  • diederikdiederik Member
    edited June 2018
    Personally I have never tested adding the X-Forwarded-For header when loadbalancing explicit proxy connections.
    Can you trace the traffic between the A10 and BlueCoat to confirm the header is added?
    If it is not added, open a case with A10 TAC/Support, they can confirm if it is supported, and if it is supported they can check what is going on on the A10.

    If in your traces you see the header is added, then you need to call BlueCoat support and have them figure out why you config does not take it into account.
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