transparent caching specific content per server
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hi i have a client that he wants to have a specific content per server, possible to help me what script on aflex. I have example below:
server proxy1 (jp(e?g|e|2)|tiff?|bmp|gif|png) (cgi-bin) (php|jsp|cgi|asx) (php|jsp)
server proxy2 (z(ip|[0-9]{2})|r(ar|[0-9]{2})|jar|bz2|gz|tar|rpm|deb|vpu)
server proxy3 (mp3|wav|og(g|a)|flac|midi?|rm|aac|wma|mka|ape)
server proxy4 (exe|msi|dmg|bin|xpi|iso|swf|mar|psf|cab)
server proxy5 (mpeg|ra?m|avi|mp(g|e|4)|mov|divx|asf|wmv|m\dv|rv|vob|asx|ogm|3gp|on2)
server proxy1 (jp(e?g|e|2)|tiff?|bmp|gif|png) (cgi-bin) (php|jsp|cgi|asx) (php|jsp)
server proxy2 (z(ip|[0-9]{2})|r(ar|[0-9]{2})|jar|bz2|gz|tar|rpm|deb|vpu)
server proxy3 (mp3|wav|og(g|a)|flac|midi?|rm|aac|wma|mka|ape)
server proxy4 (exe|msi|dmg|bin|xpi|iso|swf|mar|psf|cab)
server proxy5 (mpeg|ra?m|avi|mp(g|e|4)|mov|divx|asf|wmv|m\dv|rv|vob|asx|ogm|3gp|on2)
Are you still working on your aflex, I will see if I can find a appropriate example similiar to what you are trying to accomplish.