AX Box Sending Email
Is there a way at which we can make the AX device sending email notifications upon failure of servers in the service group or upon negative health monitor results of the servers (server being marked down) ??
Is it doable by aFLEX, or there is another way of doing it? Can we applt aFLEX to L4 virtual ports?
In case there is a way to do it, please share the idea and how to do it.
Many thanks
Is there a way at which we can make the AX device sending email notifications upon failure of servers in the service group or upon negative health monitor results of the servers (server being marked down) ??
Is it doable by aFLEX, or there is another way of doing it? Can we applt aFLEX to L4 virtual ports?
In case there is a way to do it, please share the idea and how to do it.
Many thanks
logging email filter 3 module SYSTEM pattern "has been opened" and trigger
Which in this case means, send an email as soon as someone successfully logged in to the AX.