
Anyone have luck with using database external monitors?

scr512scr512 Member
I'm attempting to setup a simple external monitor to check on a couple of Oracle instances. After using the example script provided in the documentation and tailoring it to my environment I've yet to get it to work correctly. Unfortunately, debugging a script on the AX is difficult it not impossible to do from that I've seen. (Maybe HM results are in logging?)

In any event, I've tried to debug the script locally using python + pyodb. I can connect to the Oracle instance via SQL developer and the cx_Oracle python module. However, I've yet to find any luck with pyodb.

Script I am using on the AX:
#!/usr/bin/python import sys import os import pyodb # Oracle connection string format: #Driver=OracleODBCDriver;DBQ=;UID=;PWD= # by a10hm convention get host and/or port from environment host = os.environ['HM_SRV_IPADDR'] if os.environ.has_key('HM_SRV_PORT'): port = int(os.environ['HM_SRV_PORT']) if 0 >= port or 65536 <= port: port = 0 else: port = 0 if 0 != port: conn_str = ("Driver=OracleODBCDriver;DBQ=//%s:%d/xe;UID=system;PWD=oracle" % (host,port)) else: conn_str = ("Driver=OracleODBCDriver;DBQ=//%s/xe;UID=system;PWD=oracle" % (host)) sql_stmt = "select * from employees where employee_id = 100" try: rv = 0 print "Connecting %s" % (conn_str) conn = pyodb.Connect(conn = conn_str) print "Doing SQL query &#039;%s&#039;" % (sql_stmt) conn.execute(sql_stmt) print "Fetching query results" rows = conn.fetch() print "Verifying results are OK" if ( 0 == len(rows)): rv = -1; print "Cleaning up the database connection" conn.disconnect() del(conn) except: print "Something went wrong" # by a10hm convention must exit with something other than 0 rv = -1 # by a10hm convention must exit with 0 sys.exit(rv)
If I tweak this around on my box:
#!/usr/bin/python import sys import os import pyodb host = "" port = 1521 conn_str = ("Driver=OracleODBCDriver;DBQ=//%s:%d/xe;UID=system;PWD=oracle;" % (host,port)) #sql_stmt = "select * from employees where employee_id = 100" conn = pyodb.Connect(conn = conn_str)
I get this error:
python Oracle_Test.py Traceback (most recent call last): File "Oracle_Test.py", line 10, in conn = pyodb.Connect(conn = conn_str) File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/pyodb.py", line 162, in __init__ raise ConnectError, e pyodb.ConnectError: Failed to connect to the data source (01000:Warning)
Like I mentioned earlier, doing this using cx_Oracle works fine, so I am somewhat certain that the Oracle DB isn't the issue or my connectivity to it
#!/usr/bin/python import sys import os import cx_Oracle con = cx_Oracle.connect('system/oracle@') print con.version con.close()
python Oracle_Test_cx.py


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    edited February 2014
    Is there a reason you are not using the built in oracle database health monitor?
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    scr512scr512 Member
    edited February 2014
    Well from what I've read, the new DB monitoring in 2.6 is done via this external health check via script. If there is built in monitor that I can use then that would be great.

    The end goal for this is to load balance between two Oracle DB servers in a Data Guard configuration. One DB would be active and the other would be passive. In the event that the active DB server is down, we want the AX to direct incoming connections to the secondary DB server once it's available. In order to do this, we need to somehow have the AX be aware of what server is primary and what server is secondary. This can be accomplished via a simple SQL select. It would be nice to do this via the AX as opposed to writing out a script + cron job + file result and then health checking that file result through a HTTP get.
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    edited February 2014
    2.6 does have the internal database (ODBC) support. I have seen this done with the internal database monitor. Set the database name and send a SQL query to the database. This query should respond with a value that indicates if the database is active or passive. Then set the respond string to match the active response only. This way only the active database will get traffic.
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    scr512scr512 Member
    edited February 2014
    Ah, very nice... I can't believe that I missed that in documentation... Now to figure out how to do this via CLI :)
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    scr512scr512 Member
    edited February 2014
    Yup... there is is in the CLI reference health method database
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    edited February 2014
    health monitor monitor-name

    Enter this command at the global configuration level. The command creates
    the monitor and accesses the configuration level for it.

    Use the following command to configure the specific database options:
    method database {mssql | mysql | oracle | postgresql}
    db-name name
    username username-string password password-string
    send query
    receive expected-reply
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