
axapi v3 - accessing non-shared partition objects


With axapi v3 how does one access the non-shared partition objects?

Specifically I can see and access shared partition objects/files bw-list, etc. but cannot figure out how to get to objects from other partitions:

GET to => https://10.x.x.x/axapi/v3/file/bw-list/oper
yields shared partition bw-list files:
"bw-list": {
"oper": {
"file-list": [
"file": "bwlist",
"url": "Local",
"ref-count": 0,
"period": 0,
"update-times": 1,
"parse-errors": 0,
"error-line": ""
"a10-url": "/axapi/v3/file/bw-list/oper"

What uri is used to get to other partitions?

Same is true for exporting running-config; it only gets the shared partition.
POST with
"export": {
"store-name": "vmdev01"

to => https://10.x.x.x/axapi/v3/export
"response": {
"status": "OK",
"msg": "File copied successfully"

Thanks for any thoughts anyone. I'm not seeing anything about partitions in the aXAPI ref document.


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