AX working with VMWare 'View'
Posted by LynnS A customer asked if we can work with their VMWARE 'View' product. I've not had any time yet to research this, but I wanted to ask if anyone has any idea what this product is/does and if the AX is compatible with it in any way. This came up in a conversation about VMWARE VCenter working with our axAPI.…
GSLB DNS response when all service IPs are down?
Posted by kirbini How should the non-proxy DNS respond in a GSLB config when all service IPs fail their heath checks? I have two service IPs in a GLSB zone config. Both servers show down in the service-ip status page but I still get a valid DNS response containing at least one of the external IPs when I query the load…
Send reset on server select fail
Posted by jmaddox At what point is the reset sent to the client? Would this be during a persistent existing connection where a server is marked down and the next packet from the client is reset by ax at that time? or, is this only so narrow as to the initial lb selection of server? ex: tcp vip, client sends syn, ax opens…
Max number of GSLB zones on AX1000
Posted by kirbini We have a client who would like to globally load balance more than 500 different domains. Is there a maximum number of GSLB zones that the AX1000 can handle? On a related note, does anyone have any advice on easily importing and/or consolidating 500 GSLB setups? Does GSLB have any wildcard options like…
RAM cache and prefetch
Posted by jmaddox What is AX behavior in the case of expired object in RAM cache? Does AX proactivley request object from server? Or doe it wait for the next request for that object? There are pros and cons to each behavior.
RAM Cache Security
Posted by patricko0317 A question has arisen as to the security of the RAM Cache. Some of the objects we are caching containg personal, private information. We need to make sure that the RAM Cache is secure and that this data cannot be accessed inadvertently or maliciously.
Persistence Across VIPs
Posted by jpearcy I have persistence working with no issue one most of our VIPs. The problem we are running into right now is that one of our apps makes calls between two VIPs. We need to keep persistence between those two VIPs. The kicker here is we are already using an aflex script on one of the VIPs SSL port so we have…
Template settings, chasing the enabled value..
Posted by SvenA Hi, I am somewhat lost in the server/server port template wilderness. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated. I am trying to figure out which setting overrides the other on a server / server port. Let's try a simple example: I have a pool of servers all serving content on server port 80. I am controlling…
TCP Buffering
Posted by jmaddox Is there a way to customize tcp buffering parameters in AX?
AX CPU Number of issues
Posted by fitwate ============= Version Info ================= AX Series Advanced Traffic Manager AX2100 Copyright 2007-2010 by A10 Networks, Inc. All A10 Networks products are protected by one or more of the following US patents and patents pending: 7716378, 7675854, 7647635, 7552126, 20090049537, 20080229418,…
Posted by kirbini Hi, All. I have 2 working HA pairs (active/standby) of AX1000. Each pair is in a different datacenter and we would like to add GSLB between datacenters. A couple of questions come up and I was wondering if the voice of experience may be lurking about. First, are there any gotchas to watch out for when…
Change ssh AX default port 22 to another
Posted by fitwate My customer want to change ssh default port 22 to another (65534). Please advise to solve this problem Thank you very much
Cookie Persistency & URL Switching
Posted by mischa Is there a way that we can do cookie persistency & url switching at the same time? A customer would like to be able to provide persistency while at the same time have all the static content on a separate service-group.